About us

Frank D'Aurio: Creator

Everyone has a story, right? Here’s mine.

Around 1988 when I got out of college, I was determined to break the trends of my childhood environment and make sure that I developed a high degree of financial literacy. Financial independence was a goal of many that seemed to be thwarted by bad financial habits.  After decades of reading and investing, and eagerly helping others with their financial affairs, it was time to pour some of that experience into an entertaining and portable format that can help promote a better view and use of money.  As the primary caretaker and stay-at-home Dad of three children, I anxiously toiled to do a good job, and one of my concerns was being able to set my kids on a path less likely to be plagued by the financial traps and suffering I had always seen around me growing up.  This game was born out of that concern.

Early Development

To the left is one of the early development boards of Investor Showdown, before I turned to cards only. If you notice the colored hex shapes underneath and between the spaces, that’s from another game (Summon Guardians) that I had been working on many years earlier.


The game quickly evolved into a more adult-like, streamlined, highly portable card-based game. To the right is a very small sampling of Investor Showdown’s card evolution over the years – and I do mean VERY small! 


Cras vulputate feugiat interdum. Cras mattis, augue isarcu erat, sit amet varius erat metus nisl.


This game is designed to help people develop a more prosperous relationship with money than I had, and a lot sooner. If we learn the correct habits at a young age, financial independence is so much more likely to occur.

Most of us were taught how to spend money as children, as something to fear or be uncomfortable about – but not how to manage or invest it.

One of the reasons I created this game was to help people develop a better relationship with
money than I had, and a lot sooner. Financial independence is so much more likely if the
right habits are cemented in young. It is key to the Mission of increasing financial literacy.

This is my stab at an investment game that’s simplified but still interesting.
It’s been a fun item to have in my toolbox, and I hope it serves you as well.

Investor Showdown is one of the projects, VideoJitsu LLC, proudly manages.

One of the reasons I created this game was to help people develop a better relationship with
money than I had, and a lot sooner. Financial independence is so much more likely if the
right habits are cemented in young. It is key to the Mission of increasing financial literacy.

This is my stab at an investment game that’s simplified but still interesting.
It’s been a fun item to have in my toolbox, and I hope it serves you as well.

Investor Showdown is one of the projects, VideoJitsu LLC, proudly manages.